
Am Israel Chai!

Monday, 22 April, 2024 - 9:36 am

It's not easy to celebrate this year.

In fact, for me, this is the hardest year to celebrate the holiday of freedom.

So many children in Israel will ask this year Ma Nishtana for Mom, for Grandpa and Grandma, but not for Dad because he fell in battle.

So many people will sit at the most family-oriented holiday without a brother or sister, son or daughter, beloved mom or dad because they were killed or fell in battle.

So many families will sit at the Seder night while their family members are held captive in Gaza.

So many will sit on this most homely night in a foreign place because they haven't been able to return to their homes in the north or south for half a year.

In fact, all of us celebrate the holiday of freedom knowing that for many of us, freedom is still far away.

But I also know that we have gone through tougher times.

I know that once we experienced all of this already.

Most importantly, I know that we survived everything and reached where we are because we never gave up, not on the holiday and not on joy. Not on the matzah and not on the Maror, not on the wine and not on the Haggadah. We never gave up because despair is not part of the repertoire of the people of Israel.

I know that Am Israel Chai!

A kosher and happy holiday,

Rabbi Zalman Wishedski


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