
Rabbi's weekly Blog

Pain but also a hope

I traveled the world this week. On Monday evening, I was in Bucharest, invited to lecture at an event organized by Chabad House Romania in honor of the Rebbe, marking 30 years since his passing. On Tuesday morning, I flew from there to New York to be at the 'Ohel', the Rebbe's resting place, on the 30th yahrzeit. By Thursday morning, I was already home in Basel, and tonight we will host 25 guests at our table.

Everywhere I went, I met Jews, mostly Chabadniks or people connected to Chabad. In every place, I encountered a lot of pain but also a lot of hope. In everyone, I saw the weight of October 7th, but simultaneously the weight of responsibility—the responsibility that leads to positive action. I saw the people of Israel, who know how to lift their heads in any situation, the Jews who know how to endure but immediately move forward and not stop. To experience the pain and solidarity and still remain joyful and hopeful that things will be good. Because that's how it is, that's who we are. Am Yisrael Chai.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Zalman Wishedski

Do not sever ties with your mother

She was an American girl from California who had just discovered her Jewish roots. She was learning in a girls’ seminary for people just like her. But her mother had not yet accepted this determination of hers to become religious, and every visit to her home in California ended up being a nightmare of disagreements and explosions.

“That’s it!” She told her friends. “I am cutting off relations with my mother. If she isn’t willing to accept me, then I won’t accept her.”

Her friends begged her: “This is a fateful move. Go the Rebbe, ask him for his advice.” Reluctantly, she agreed to do so.

In the Rebbe’s room, overawed, she told the Rebbe of her decision.

The Rebbe then began to do something very uncharacteristic: he began to talk of himself, of his greatness and of the great honor he enjoyed. “Were you here for Shabbat? Did you see the thousands who wait on my every word? Did you notice how much they respect me? Did you see how, with one wave of my hand, they start dancing? You surely know as well, that each and every one of the Chassidim there, if I just say so, will pick up and leave immediately on a mission from me to any part of the world.”

“Yes, Rebbe, I saw everything,” the young woman answered, surprised at what she was hearing, which seemed to be bordering on pride, even haughtiness.

“Well,” said the Rebbe, “I am willing to give all of this up – all of it! In order to meet my mother of blessed memory even one more time. And you – you can just get on a plane any time and meet your mother, and this is your attitude?

“So it’s a little hard for you. With Hashem’s help you will find the right way to cope. But to give up on your mother? No! No!”


Moshe Rabbeinu did a similar thing, as told in this week’s Parasha. After Korach and his people, headed by Datan and Aviram, refused to come and meet him, Moshe got up with all his eminence and glory, causing the seventy Elders to follow him to the encampment of the troublemakers. Moshe hoped and expected that perhaps his greatness and eminence, glory and distinction would cause Korach’s people to respect him and to agree to sit down with him and settle the differences between them.

“Moshe arose and went to Datan and Aviram, and the Elders of Israel went after him.” Datan and Aviram didn’t change their minds – for them it was too late – but we can learn from this that when the need arises, one should present things as they are, because perhaps that will bring some peace to the world.

Next Tuesday, the 3rd of Tammuz, we will mark the 30th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This is a day for introspection and reflection, aimed at learning more from him, adopting his approach and attitude towards every person. For some of us, this will be a significant paradigm shift, and for others, it will be an additional reinforcement of what we already believe in. Either way, we have work to do.

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Zalman Wishedski

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